On this page you can find all events of our competence network - compact, updated daily and with a clear overview. Furthermore, you can find helpful hints about other events in the field of reasearch data management here.
In Addition, we offer on request tranings, workshops, train-the-trainer-workshops and information events for various target groups (students, doctoral candidates, project managers, reasearch referents etc.) in all of Thuringia. Please contact us if you are interested!
If you would like to stay up to date on all our events, please also consider subscribing to our mailing list:
Feb 23 2022 02:00 pm
Was kann Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und warum sind strukturierte Daten dafür wichtig?
A coffee lecture about artificial intelligence!
Jan 26 2022 02:00 pm
Wissensmanagement als Teil des Forschungsdatenmanagements
A coffee lecture about knowledge management!
Nov 24 2021 02:00 pm
Data Literacy: Datenkompetenz als Schlüsselqualifikation im 21. Jahrhundert
A coffee lecture about data literacy!
Nov 15 2021 09:00 am
Workshop "Legal handling of research data licenses and copyrights"
A workshop about the topic " Legal Handling of Research Data Licenses and Copyrights ".
Oct 27 2021 02:00 pm
Kollaborative Plattformen - Was dem Einzelnen nicht möglich ist, das schaffen viele.
A coffee lecture about collaborative platforms!
Sep 29 2021 02:00 pm
Präregistrierung als Instrument offener Wissenschaft
A coffee lecture with the topic pre-registration!
Jul 21 2021 02:00 pm
Workshop: Git and GitLab for Beginners
A practical workshop to introduce you to Git and GitLab!
Jul 7 2021 02:00 pm
Coffee Lecture: Versioning with Git - The Introduction
The seventh Coffee Lecture in the series with the topic Introduction to Git!
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