Save the date – RDM days 2022 from 20-24 of June 2022

This coming June, the Research Data Management Days (RDM Days) will take place in Thuringia for the fourth time! This year's motto is "Improve the way you work! - Tools for Research Data Management". During the week of June 20th-24th, each of Thuringia's four universities will introduce specific digital tools for research data management. The events will be accompanied by short presentations and workshops, which are aimed at providing insight into the application of these tools and, where possible, trying them out in real time. If you'd like to learn more, save the date and join us for the 4th Thuringian RDM Days. Details about the workshops, the FDM tools presented and how to register will follow in coming weeks - so stay tuned!
20th June Opening Event in Jena - Infrastructures, Services and Tools
21st June Event in Erfurt-Linotypes and Looms : Acquiring data and visualizing patterns in efficient structures
23rd June Event in Ilmenau- Data management plans made easy - 3 DMP tools in the demo
24th June Event in Weimar- The lab goes digital : an introduction to electronic lab books