Workshop: FAIRify Your Data
Tue Feb 14 2023 10:00 am

Everyone is talking about FAIR principles and FAIR data - but how do you actually find out whether a data set is FAIR (i.e., Findable, Accessible, Interoprable and Reusable)? You use so-called FAIR Assessment Tools! In this workshop we will introduce you to these tools and show you how to use them to assess a dataset with regard to the FAIR principles. All participants will also have the opportunity to try this out for themselves. Please bring URLs/DOIs of your own data sets - don't panic: if you don't have any data of your own, we will have sample data sets available that you can use. We look forward to celebrating Love Data Week with you and learning more about FAIR Assessment!
- Introduction to the FAIR principles
- Presentation of different FAIR Assessment tools
- Demonstration of a FAIR assessment using a sample dataset with a selected FAIR assessment tool
- Participants will have the opportunity to try 1-2 FAIR assessment tools for themselves
- Discussion and Wrap-Up
Moderators: Cora Assmann (Friedrich-Schiller University Jena), Jessica Rex (Technical University Ilmenau)
Location: Webinar via Zoom
Time: 10:00-11:30 am
Language: German
Presentation: "FAIRify your Data"