Efficiently describing and sustainably using research data through ontologies and standards - an example from the Earth system sciences

Wed May 29 2024 02:00 pm

Once found, many researchers are faced with the question of the actual reusability of already published (external) research data. This has been one of the biggest challenges for many decades, particularly in data-intensive scientific disciplines such as climate and earth system research. The use of common terminologies, ontologies and standards via corresponding web services, such as the TIB's Terminology Service, sustainably supports this reusability (the R - Reusable of the FAIR Data Principles). This Coffee Lecture gives an insight into the functionality of the Terminology Service using the example of earth system sciences.

Presenter: Angelina Kraft

Place: webinar via Zoom

Time: 2:00 bis 2:30 pm

Language: German

Material: Video and Slides


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