Through its presence on the information portal, the Thuringian Research Data Management Competence Network (TKFDM) provides information on Thuringian efforts to implement a reliable, state-wide RDM infrastructure to the public. TKFDM pools expertise and services concerning research data management. Thuringia is one of five federal states with a dedicated RDM initiative which enables the local experts to exchange knowledge on the subject of research data management efficiently as well as promoting networking activities.

The information platform provides free, German-language RDM information materials for scientists. The main goal of the website is to provide an introduction to different areas of research data management by means of practice-related articles on RDM aspects frequently encountered by researchers. The articles span a wide range covering the entire data life cycle. In addition to thematic and subject-specific contributions, the platform also offers best-practise examples, tutorials and self-learning tests.
As part of a multi-level participation model, is currently supported by approximately twenty cooperation partners (persons and institutions) who work together in the editorial team. The website was developed in 2016 by the project bwFDM-Info led by the Universities of Heidelberg, Hohenheim, Konstanz, Tübingen and coordinated by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). It is funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg.