Save the date: ReproHack on March 15th 2022!

New year-new ReproHack! On March 15, 2022 from 10 am to 3 pm we want to reproduce research results together with you again. This time, the event will focus on the tools R and Python with Jupyter Notebook. We are being supported in organising this event by the Open Reproducible Data Science and Statistics group (ORDS) of the University of Rostock and the Microverse Cluster of the FSU Jena.
Call for Papers
Your research data was created/analyzed using R or Python or does not require any knowledge of specific programming languages at all? Then feel free to submit your data and get valuable feedback on the reproducibility of your research from our participants! To do so, go to the official Reprohack Hub page where all submitted data/papers are collected and upload your publication in the "papers" tab. Then, simply email us the upload link at so that we can assign the submitted paper to our event.
What is a ReproHack
If "ReproHack" is a completely new term to you, feel free to take a look at our activities page, where we explain the format in detail. In short, it's a kind of hackathon, but one in which no source code is written. Instead, submitted publications are examined to see whether the results are understandable and can be reproduced based on the underlying data provided. After the ReproHack, the authors are given valuable, structured feedback for their publication and the participants learn which points they should pay attention to when publishing research data in order to ensure reproducibility.
Here you can also find information about ReproHack 2021, organized by the Open Reproducible Data Science and Statistics group (ORDS) of the University of Rostock together with TKFDM.
More details about the event in March 2022 will follow soon.