Coffee Lecture: Forschungsdaten publizieren, lizenzieren und nachnutzen
Wed Feb 22 2023 02:00 pm
At the end of a project at the latest, the question of where to put the research data always arises. Once the decision has been made to publish the research data, further questions usually arise that are closely related to data publication. Examples would be: Do I publish the data in a journal or a repository? Do I want to restrict the reuse of my data? What license do I choose?
The Coffee Lecture aims to provide you with helpful knowledge and tips on how to answer exactly these questions.
Speaker: Cora Assmann (Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena)
Place: Webinar with Zoom
Time: 14:00 to 14:30 Uhr
Language: German
Download: Link (Zenodo, slides)
Video: Link (Youtube)